Catana Starks built a team that went on to win a national championship. At this historically black college in Tennessee, she turned the rules of recruitment upside down. Discovering the challenge of recruiting African American men to play golf on the team, she expanded her search from the fairways of Nashville to Australia, Algeria, Canada and Sweden. She was willing to recruit any golfer of any race willing to play for the historically black college. Her priority was to recruit the best players she could find. One of her players, Sean Foley, went on to become Tiger Woods’ swing coach. Catana Starks proved an inspiration to the TSU team that she led for nearly two decades. Join us on this amazing journey into the mind of a champion.
Author: Michael Critelli the best way to describe me is that I have gravitated toward the “road less traveled” in my choices.In earlier versions of this autobiographical summary of my life, I skipped over my childhood, but after having re-looked at my life from the vantage point of my formative experiences, I concluded that I was missing too many important pieces of the puzzle.